
5 Ways to Prevent Seasickness

By CruiseRadio

<p>Get seasick one time and it could be a deal breaker to whether you cruise again – or maybe not.</p><p>Try these five tips on your next cruise to see if it&nbsp;eases the queasiness.</p><p><img alt="" style="width: 500px; height: 333px;" data-cke-saved-src="" src=""></p><p><strong>1. Book itineraries with few sea days</strong></p><p>This is kind of a no-brainer. &nbsp;If you have a tendency to become seasick, the fewer sea days your cruise’s itinerary has, the less time you have to spend at sea. &nbsp;Do keep in mind though that if you’ve never been on a cruise, but know you are prone to seasickness on smaller boats, it won’t necessarily be the same on a massive cruise ship. &nbsp;Because of their size, if you have calm seas, chances are you might hardly notice you’re on the ocean and moving at all. &nbsp;If you do know that it will be an issue though, read on.</p><p><strong>2. Book low and center</strong></p><p>Because of the nautical engineering of cruise ships and the way they behave in the water, as well as the way the ocean moves; the lower the cabin you book and the more central to the ship that it is, the less movement you will feel.</p><p>If you think about a seesaw, it makes sense. &nbsp;The ends move much more than the middle of the seesaw. &nbsp;Also consider a metronome; the end that swings on top moves much further than the bottom. &nbsp;Same goes for a ship in most cases. &nbsp;These&nbsp;are very basic analogies to apply to a cruise ship, but the simple principles are the same.</p><p><strong>3. Use Pressure Bracelets</strong></p><p>Acupressure, much like acupuncture without the puncturing, is an excellent way to relieve or lessen motion sickness – including seasickness. &nbsp;It’s a form of healing that uses pressure (usually with a finger or hand) to stimulate key points on the body. &nbsp;However, with pressure bracelets, all you need to do is put it on and you’re good to go. &nbsp;There are many different brands to choose from, but the thing they have in common is usually a little nub that puts pressure on a specific point above the wrist, called the P6 Point. &nbsp;They are non-medicated, drug-free, reusable, and usually inexpensive.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Popular Brands:&nbsp;</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Sea Bands</strong></li><li><strong>BioBands</strong></li></ul><p><strong>4. Use Ginger</strong></p><p>If you don’t want to go straight for drugs to help with your seasickness but do want to be able to take something, the best natural remedy would probably be ginger. &nbsp;It can work really fast; for some people the effect is almost instant, but it’s recommended you start taking it a day or two before longer journeys, such as a cruise. &nbsp;There are many forms you can take it in; tea, cookies, powder, ginger ale, and candy. &nbsp;You can even gnaw on raw ginger root for a little while, although it’s recommended you don’t swallow it. &nbsp;Ginger is also available in pill, capsule, and essential oil form or in&nbsp;ginger candy form.</p><p><strong>5. Use OTC&nbsp;Drugs</strong></p><p>If all else fails, you can certainly go with the old standby of over the counter medication. &nbsp;The most common drug for motion/seasickness is Dramamine, but Benadryl and Bonine are known to be effective as well.</p><p>For best results, start taking these medications an hour before your trip or, with the case of a cruise, as soon as you start to feel seasickness. &nbsp;The most commonly reported side effect of these drugs is drowsiness. &nbsp;As always, follow the instructions with medication and use common sense.</p><p><strong>Quick Tips:</strong></p><ul><li>Don’t drink a lot</li><li>Be prepared ahead of time</li><li>Stay in the fresh air as much as possible</li></ul>
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